Welcome to SWG-Resurrection! This is a guide to simply get you through the in-game tutorial once you've made a character! If you are having issues getting into the game itself, check out some of our other posts!

1. So you've made your first character and your screen should look something like this:

You can move the bars around and configure it however you would like to!

2. Move down the hallway to the next room, should look like this:

Once you're here, talk to the Imperial Guard and select an option, you will ultimately end up grabbing your supplies out of the box next to him.

NOTE: If you DO NOT collect your items out of the chest, you will NOT spawn with them when you leave the tutorial!

3. Turn right and head down the stairs to the next room, should look like this:

Talk to the Imperial Guard to learn more about the terminals on either side of him.

4. Head past the droid to the next room to see 2 more terminals:

The droid will teach you what you need to know about each terminal in this zone.

5. Up the ramp and head left to get to the next area.

Converse with the Imperial Guard to find out what all the ruckus is about.

Get ready for your first combat experience!

6. Run up the ramp and get ready to have a run-in with a bad wall:

Double click the wall to smack it around a little and get it out of your way and move on!

7. Run around the corner and get ready for your first real fight!

Beat up the bandit and loot his pistol on him and then continue to the next area.

8. You're almost done! Just a few more people to talk to then you're on your way!

Talk to the Imperial Guard to learn about different professions, he will direct you to the profession trainer

9. You're almost done! Just a few more people to talk to!

Talk to the imperial guard here to get permission to talk to the next guard to be able to leave the tutorial.

10. Last imperial guard to talk to! Yaaay!

Talk the the quartermaster and ask "Can I leave?" and you will be directed to the terminal to the left where you select your starting planet and city!

Alrighty, that concludes my Tutorial guide! Thanks for checking it out and hope to see you all in-game!